


As a renowned tonic herbal medicine, Polygonum multiflorum, also known as He-Shou-Wu in Asia, has been internationally recognized for its special process of Nine Steaming and Nine Drying and is used in numerous traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. In modern times, P. multiflorum and its preparations are being more extensively utilized as over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, and even in personal care products. So, why is P. multiflorum highly esteemed? What secrets lie behind its popularity?


何首乌为寥科植物何首乌 Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.的干燥块根,秋、冬季节叶枯萎时采挖,削去两端,洗净,切块,干燥。《本草纲目》记载:“何首乌,健筋骨,乌髭发,为滋补良药”。苦、甘、涩,微温,归肝、心、肾经。


1. Pharmacopoeia Inclusion and Categorization

He-Shou-Wu, refers to the dried tuberous roots of the herbaceous plant Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. It is harvested during the autumn and winter after the leaves withered. The harvested roots are trimmed at both ends, washed, cut into pieces, and then dried. It is recorded in Ben Cao Gang Mu that He-Shou-Wu is a nourishing tonic which promotes tendon and bone health, darkens hair, and is considered a valuable herbal remedy. It possesses a bitter, sweet, and slightly astringent taste, and has a mild warming property. It is attributed to the liver, heart, and kidney meridians, according to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicines.
There are two types of He-Shou-Wu with different applications listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, raw He-Shou-Wu and Zhi-He-Shou-Wu, which means being processed. Additionally, the vine stem of P. multiflorum can also be used medicinally and is known as Shou-Wu-Teng or Ye-Jiao-Teng.




2. Processing of Raw He-Shou-Wu

In order to modify its medicinal properties and reduce its toxicity, raw He-Shou-Wu was usually processed to become Zhi-He-Shou-Wu. In ancient times, the primary method of processing raw He-Shou-Wu was specially described as Nine Steaming and Nine Drying. However, methods such as steaming with black bean juice and steaming with water are often used in modern times, and it is necessary to use non-iron containers during the process.
The chemical composition of He-Shou-Wu was changed during the process.


据调研文献, 何首乌中目前已报道化合物近150余种,包括二苯乙烯苷类、蒽醌类、黄酮类、磷脂类、苯丙素类等。其中,二苯乙烯苷类化合物是何首乌的特征性化学成分,已从何首乌中发现40多种该类化合物,这些化合物按骨架类型可以分为两类,分别以 2,3,5,4'-四羟基二苯乙烯和白藜芦醇为母核骨架。此外,以大黄素、大黄素甲醚为代表的蒽醌类化合物也是何首乌的主要活性成分。现行《中国药典》以二苯乙烯苷和蒽醌类化合物的含量对何首乌进行质量检测。

3. Chemical Composition of He-Shou-Wu

Nearly 150 compounds have been identified from He-Shou-Wu, including stilbene glycosides, anthraquinones, flavonoids, phospholipids, and phenols. Among them, stilbene glycosides, with more than 40 compounds forming in 2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxystilbene and resveratrol skeletons, are the characteristic chemical constituents of He-Shou-Wu. Additionally, anthraquinone compounds represented by emodin and emodin methyl ether are another main active components. Consequently, the content of stilbene glycosides and anthraquinone compounds are taken to evaluate the quality of He-Shou-Wu in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.




4. Pharmacological Activities of He-Shou-Wu

As a widely used traditional Chinese medicine, He-Shou-Wu is used differently in its raw and processed forms. In clinical practice, raw He-Shou-Wu is used for detoxification, resolving abscesses, and lubricating the intestines for bowel movements. Zhi-He-Shou-Wu, on the other hand, is used for nourishing the liver and kidneys, benefiting essence and blood, darkening hair, and strengthening tendons and bones.
Pharmacological research revealed that both He-Shou-Wu and Zhi-He-Shou-Wu exhibit various activities such as antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-tumor, lipid-lowering, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, immune-enhancing, and neuroregulatory effects, duing to the existence of stilbene glycosides and anthraquinone compounds.
It is noteworthy that excessive consumption of P. multiflorum can cause liver damage. The active constituents, including stilbene glycosides and anthraquinone compounds, also serve as the toxic components of P. multiflorum. Stilbene glycosides can enhance the liver's susceptibility to anthraquinone compounds. In fact, the content of stilbene glycosides in P. multiflorum can be reduced by the special procedure named Nine Steaming and Nine Drying or by modern methods.
