

半夏为天南星科植物半夏Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit的干燥块茎,夏、秋二季采挖,洗净,除去外皮和须根,晒干。《礼记·月令》记载:五月半夏生,盖当夏之半,故名“半夏”。生半夏味辛且辣,麻舌而刺喉,临床上多使用其炮制品。

Ban-Xia, also known as the dried tuber of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit., belongs to the family Araceae. It is harvested during the summer and autumn, washed, peeled, and then dried. Ban-Xia matures in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, which is considered the middle of summer, so was named Ban-Xia, recorded in the ancient Chinese book Li Ji • Yue Ling. In clinical practice, processed forms of Ban-Xia are commonly used because its fresh form has a pungent and spicy taste, causing numbness of the tongue and throat irritation. 







1. Pharmacopoeia Inclusion and Categorization

Ban-Xia has a pungent taste and warm nature, belongs to the spleen, stomach, and lung meridians, and is considered toxic according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicines. It is listed as a lower-grade herb in ancient Chinese medicinal books Shennong Bencao Jing and Ben Cao Gang Mu, and cautioned its concurrent use with other traditional Chinese medicine including Cao-Wu, Chuan-Wu, and Fu-Zi.

The Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (2020 edition) included Ban-Xia and its three processed forms, namely Qing-Ban-Xia (purified Ban-xia), Jiang-Ban-Xia (ginger-processed Ban-xia), and Fa-Ban-Xia (processed Ban-xia according to specific methods).







2. Processing Methods of Ban-Xia

Method for Ban-Xia: Take the raw medicinal material, remove impurities, and crush it.

Method for Qing-Ban-Xia: Soak the raw Ban-Xia in an 8% alum solution until it is no longer dry inside, and taste it to perceive a slight numbing sensation on the tongue.

Method for Jiang-Ban-Xia: Soak the raw Ban-Xia in water until it is no longer dry inside, remove it, then take slices of fresh ginger and decoct them in water. Add alum and the Ban-Xia, then simmer until thoroughly cooked, and finally dried.

Method for Fa-Ban-Xia: Soak the raw Ban-Xia in water until it is no longer dry inside. Separately, decoct licorice twice in water, combine the decoctions, pour them into a lime solution prepared with an appropriate amount of water, stir well, and add the soaked Ban-Xia. Allow it to soak and stir until the cross-section becomes uniformly yellow and a slight numbing sensation is perceived on the tongue. The Ban-Xia is then removed, washed, and dried in the shade.




3. Chemical Composition of Ban-Xia

It has been revealed that Ban-Xia and its processed forms are rich in alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, organic acids, volatile oils, and other chemical constituents. However, the types and concentrations of compounds vary among different processed forms. The main irritant chemical components in Ban-Xia include protoanemonin, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and its glucoside, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and its glucoside, along with other related compounds. Generally, the processed forms of Ban-Xia exhibit lower levels of toxic components and total alkaloids compared to the raw Ban-Xia. Among the processed forms, Qing-Ban-Xia has the lowest content of total alkaloids and ephedrine. With 6-gingerol as the unique component, Jiang- Ban-Xia has the highest content of organic acids. While characterized by the presence of glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizic acid, Fa-Ban-Xia has the lowest content of organic acids and polysaccharides.




4. Pharmacological Activities of Ban-Xia

Ban-Xia possesses various bioactivities, including drying dampness, resolving phlegm, reducing rebellious qi and vomiting, and dispersing accumulation and nodules, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicines. In clinical practice, it is commonly used in compound formulations to treat symptoms such as damp-phlegm and cold-phlegm, cough with abundant phlegm, phlegm-fluid retention with dizziness and palpitations, wind-phlegm dizziness, phlegm-induced headaches, vomiting and nausea, and chest and epigastric stuffiness. The efficacy of Ban-Xia slightly differ between raw Ban-Xia and its processed forms. Raw Ban-Xia exhibits the most pronounced sedative effect, while processed forms such as Qing-Ban-Xia, Jiang-Ban-Xia, and Fa-Ban-Xia demonstrate superior antitussive effects compared to raw Ban-Xia. It have been indicated by modern pharmacological studies that Ban-Xia also exhibits bioactivies containing anticancer, anti-inflammatory, lipid-lowering, antiepileptic, antidiarrheal, and hemostatic effects except for its traditional antitussive, expectorant, and antiemetic effects. Besides, it needs to be emphasized that strict control of dosage and adherence to medical prescriptions are necessary when using Ban-Xia, which can cause mucosal irritation, hepatorenal toxicity, and teratogenicity. 
